
Deutsch: Dieses Projekt soll eine innovative und einfache Möglichkeit sein ein Netzwerk zu überwachen und mögliche Ausfälle schnellstmöglich zu erkennen. Damit sollen die heutigen Erwartungen bezüglich Zuverlässigkeit eines Netzwerks gewährleistet werden. Denn vorallem in größeren Netzwerken treten oftmals, durch Redundanz unauffindbare Fehler auf und dies verringert die Nutzerzufriedenheit.

English: This project should be an innovative and simple possibility to monitor a network and recognize network failures as fast as possible. Thereby should the today´s expectations concerning reliability of a network be guaranteed. Especially in bigger networks, failures often occur without even getting recognized. That´s caused by the redundancy which prevents network failures at cost of user satisfaction.


Through cyclical queries of the wifi controller the integrity of the network is verified. For this purpose APIs of the producer is used, in order to warrant an easy and safe access. While doing so everything will be logged for latter error analysis. As soon as a error occurs, network administrators get informed in order to fix the problem. Furthermore users with a higher traffic consumption than normal, will be warned and also a list of the users with the most consumption gets generated and provided for the administrators. The whole project will be shown on a responsive website, which includes any kind of statistics like „whole download“ or „current users“ of the network. This website offers an easy way for administrators to interact with NOS and possibly edit the settings of supervision.


Here you see the division of labor

Kenny Kropp: My task is to provide the server backend, manage the monitoring capabilities and also calculate/provide statistical values.

Michael Scheer: My main task is to create the design of our webpage aswell as our project homepage. Furthermore in my task included is the depiction of several data in graphs or tables.

Our Awesome Team

Kenny Kropp

Software, Backend Programmierung

Michael Scheer

Software, Frontend Programmierung

Dipl.-Ing. Werner Moser
