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about our project "I3C-Master" on this website:


English Due to the release of the brand-new communication system "I3C", Infineon wants to upgrade to this state-of-the-art technology. With the high energy efficiency of the I3C data bus the energy consumption can be reduced to a minimum. Furthermore, the transmission speed is vastly superior in comparison to other comparable bus systems. Moreover, a wide range of new features simplify the usage of this system. Thus, our project is about designing and programming a prototype of an I3C measurement device. This device is realised with a microcontroller which is programmed using the programming language "C". The measurements are controlled on a PC Interface and the transmission is monitored with an oscilloscope. In order to validate the code, Infineon provided a compatible device.

This project is done in and by the HTL Mössingerstraße.

Deutsch Aufgrund der Veröffentlichung des brandneuen Kommunikationssystems „I3C“ will Infineon aufrüsten, um auf den neuesten Stand der Technik zu bleiben. Durch die Verwendung von I3C in Mikrocontrollern kann die Energiebilanz in Autos, Smartphones, Robotern, etc. verbessert werden. Neben der wesentlich schnelleren Übertragungsgeschwindigkeit des I3C-Systems, gegenüber vergleichbaren Systemen, erleichtert die Vielzahl neuer Zusatzfunktionen die Handhabung des Systems. Aufgrund von diesen zahlreichen Verbesserungen besteht unser Projekt aus der Entwicklung eines I3C-Messsystems. Das I3C-Messsystem wird durch einen Mikrocontroller realisiert. Hierfür wird das I3C-Protokoll nach Spezifikationen in der Programmiersprache „C“ programmiert. Die Messung wird über eine USB-Schnittstelle auf einem Benutzerinterface gesteuert. Die Validierung erfolgt durch Messungen der Datenübertragung und Aufzeichnung mittels eines Oszilloskops. Um die Funktion nachzuweisen, stellt Infineon ein kompatibles Gerät zur Verfügung.

This project is possible due to the cooperation with Infineon Technologies Austria AG.


trending_up I3C System

I3C Specifications

The I3C system requires only two lines, in order to operate fully. Therefore, the implementation of this system in micro-technology is simple and space-saving. The so-called "push-pull" transistor circuitry enables cycle times in the nanosecond range. By efficient switching between the two transistor circuits (open-drain, push-pull) an optimal communication between the "master" (controlling device) and the "slave" (controlled device) is achieved. In order to avoid problems with the addressing of bus devices, the addresses are assigned dynamically.

build Hardware

Atmel SAM E70 Xplained

The "Atmel SAME E70" has a wide range of technical features. Therefore, the I3C protocol is programmed on this microcontroller with the programming language "C" according to the specifications. It should be programmed in the form of a library, in order to simplify the implementation in other projects. Due to the small periphery of the I3C system, only two lines are needed: The data line and the clock line. Thus, only two I/O pins are used on the Atmel board.

desktop_windows Software

Infineon User Interface

The I3C system is controlled via user input on a graphical user unterface ("GUI"). This GUI provides a variety of different bus systems. With the help of input panels, the user can set the device address and the data packet. Then data can either be read from the entered address, or the data packet can be sent tot he entered address. The answer of the other device is shown on the GUI.

Project Team

In this section you can gather information about our project team and all the work packages. Moreover, you can gain insight in our work distribution:

Daniel Berger

Project Manager, Software Engineer


Managment of the project
Programming of the I3C protocol
Programming of the USB port
Measurement of the transmission

Markus Krainer

Software Engineer, Validation


Validation of the project
Programming of the I3C protocol
Programming of the GUI
Measurement of the transmission

Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Heinz Untersteiner

Project Supervisor


Supervising the project