
Thermally- Neuropathic- Testing TNT

Altered sensation characteristical for patients with neuropathic pain is the basis for TNT. This predominantly occurs with patients with diabetes mellitus, shingles or chemotherapy.

The thermally neuropathic testing is a measurement of pain or temperature sensitivity of the peripheral nerves in the fingers or palms by using a surface with variable temperature( 0°C − 50°C).

The temperature control is provided by an element (Peltier element), which has a ceramic plate on the surface, which is heated or cooled by means of the applied voltage.

For the doctor there is a user interface where he can choose between different temperature programs, which then access the element. The patient can express his feelings through the input unit. The key inputs of the patient are then compared with the actual values and plotted on a chart for the diagnostic survey of the responsible doctor.