

Der PICAkkuManager dient zum Testen von NiMh-Akkus . Dabei wird durch elektronisch gesteuertes Laden und Entladen der Akkumulatoren, deren Kapazität bestimmt . Zur Steuerung der automatischen Testläufe wird ein PIC-Mikrocontroller verwendet . Die aktuellen Messwerte und Messergebnisse werden über ein LCD-Display dargestellt .Optional ist auch ein Schnellladen der Akkus möglich. Eine weitere Aufgabe des Projekts ist die ständige Ladungs- und Temperaturkontrolle , um eine Überladung und Überhitzung und somit eine Beschädigung der Akkus zu vermeiden. Zusätzlich dient der PICAkkuManager zur Demonstration messtechnischer Aufgabenstellungen für den Laborunterricht in den dritten und vierten Jahrgängen .


Everybody knows the situation when your device is switched off because your accu is not fully charged anymore . That is because an accu has only a limited lifetime and it highly depends on the user how long this time will be. For example , if the accu is build into a device that stands outdoors then he is exposed to very low or very high temperatures and that is not really healthy for him . Now our project comes into play . On the first look it is a normal accucharger but on the second it measures the capacity and can tell you how long the accu would last in a device . Mainly this sort of technic is useful when you cannot remove the accu easy out of a device so you are going to test some of your old accus and you can see if they are good enough to be build in. The project is also very useful for some of the lower grades , because with my documentation they can build their own accucharger and the positive side effect is that they get very fast used to measure technic , which is really important in the world of an engineer . It is also very great when you see something on the display and then comes the effect "oh yeah i made something" which is important for learning a new topic , because nothing is more frustrating as if you do something and nothing happens .

web development by bryant smith