Legasthenie (Lese-/Rechtschreibschwäche) und Dyskalkulie (Rechenschwäche) sind für betroffene Personen meist sehr unangenehm und können bis zur sozialen Ausgrenzung führen. Ein frühzeitiges Erkennen dieser Störungen und deren Ursachen ist für eine erfolgreiche Gegensteuerung notwendig.
Im Zuge unseres Projektes wird ein Lernprogramm für Kinder und Jugendliche entwickelt, das spielerisch räumliches Denkvermögen schult. Die Verwendung der professionellen Entwicklungsumgebung Unity3D garantiert ein Design nach aktuellem Stand der Technik.
Das Projekt wird von zwei Teammitgliedern betreut und gliedert sich in folgende Aufgabenbereiche:
1. Entwicklung der Spielumgebung, Algorithmenentwurf für Dyskalkulie-Level
2. Gestensteuerung, Algorithmenentwurf für Legasthenie-Level
Die Recherchen zu den Behandlungsmethoden erfolgt durch beide Teammitglieder.
Many children suffer from dyscalculia or dyslexia. These learning disorders make the lives of those kids, their parents and other relatives very difficult. Even the easiest exercises demand a great deal of the concerned ones. Determining learning disorders in an early state, as well as taking therapies and special working lessons is very important to improve the healing process.
ABC-Darian is the perfect addition to the expensive private therapies. It’s a game that helps these children to get over their disorders and offers them a playful alternation to their usual boring learning process. And this can all be done at any time, at any place.
To guarantee that the game is promising, ABC-Darian works in a three-dimensional (3D) environment. Requiring the spatial thinking is a proven method to increase the success of an exercise. The 3D objects that are necessary to create the surroundings are designed in the modelling program BLENDER. The programing work is done in UNITY 3D, a game engine which allows the programmer to make up a 3D and also 2D world. The language used is c#.
To also show the user how much he or she already accomplished, the game includes high score lists for all levels and overall recording of the reached points and achievements.
In order to get the absolute attention of the kid while playing, the KINECT is added to some of the levels. This way it is possible for the users to interact in the game by using their gestures.
The combination of the 3D objects and the innovative game control offers a whole new way for children to unconsciously improve their skills.
ABC-Darian will, of course, also be designed in a child-like and unique style all over the levels. Exercising the brain was never so much fun.