The situation

A students life is not allways as easy as you think, espeacally in a new school. Students nees every help they could get.

A new situation, a new school, new friends, new teachers and many new things to learn. All these things could be scary and difficult. Visiting a technical school is more stress than many people think. If a student in the age of 15 never had a technical lesson, the first year is going to be hard, especially with too less training tasks. For this problem, our team has a great solution.

The Fos-Project

Fos is a android designed app to help students at a technical school to study electronic.

The too less training tasks in electronic at school are a big disadvantage for students. Learning is getting more difficult and this is the reason why we have developed an app. The five themes can be handled in two different ways, with the training mode and the learning mode. In the training mode, the difficulty can be adjusted, so the student can learn in his own speed. If somebody is not able to edit an exercise, tips will appear at the bottom of the screen to give the student a thought kick. The learning mode is different, here the difficulty cannot be adjusted because the student should be able to deal with every level of task. Furthermore the user gets points for every finished exercise, which can be seen in a tabular result at the end of the test and in the highscore-list.

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