
Welcome to our project page Train Your Brain - Laser pointing device for robot memory, short: Train Your Brain. On this website we would like to bring you closer to our Matura project and to respond to our motivations why we have decided on this project.

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Starting point

English Dementia is still an incurable brain disease, affecting over 115,000 people in Austria alone.

Regular brain training prevents the disease or can help to slow down its progression. A service robot should be enabled to play with older and impaired people the well-known card game Memory in their usual environment



Our Target is the development of a human-computer interface that allows people to play the game as much as possible in the memory usual way to play. The moves of the player are recorded and evaluated with a camera system (Diploma Thesis: Train Your Brain - Game mechanics). Of the Service robot is intended by means of a motorized laser pointer point to the cards to be revealed.

Individual Selection of Topics

The Complex control of an expensive and mechanically complex Robotic arm is intended by the realization of a technical less demanding motorized laser pointers avoided become.


Ratzer: It is a motorized mechanical one Develop a device that is precisely computerized Alignment of a laser pointer based on given azimuth and Polar angle allowed.


Kraßnig: The current position of the laser spot on the playing field should be robustly detected by means of a camera system and a suitable control algorithm should be able to guide the laser point to a predetermined playing field position.

Unser Projekt wird bearbeitet und erstellt an der HTL Mössingerstraße


Andrea Ratzer

Email: andrea.ratzer@htl-klu.at

Emely Kraßnig

Email: emely.krassnig@htl-klu.at

Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Pierre Elbischger