Short Description
This diploma project has the intention to present our school, the HTL Mössingerstraße, with interactive entertainment. For this reason, we created the TechBox. The TechBox includes four devices which were developed with different software and hardware technologies. Included is the Android-Car with the Lighthouse, the Acceleration-Snake and the Android-Ticker. The most important point in these devices is mainly the interactivity. In the present generation, the smartphone offers the most suitable form of interaction. It can be accessed with a smartphone via Bluetooth to both, the Android Car with the Lighthouse, and the Android ticker. For this purpose, an Android-Application will be provided which will be available on the Android-PlayStore.
The Android Car
The Android-Car is a with the smartphone remote-controlled car. It is driven by a DC motor, controlled with a servo motor.
The Lighthouse
The Lighthouse emits an infrared signal. The Android Car search for this signal and follow it to find the way to the tower. The Android app provides a button which is used to start the search.
The Android Ticker
The Android-Ticker is a scrolling ticker. Text can be sent from a smartphone to the device using an Application. This text is then displayed on LED Arrays.
The Acceleration Snake
The Acceleration SNAKE is a game that is played on 256 LEDs and is controlled with an acceleration sensor. With that sensor the snake can be controlled by tilting the device.
The Idea
The main idea of the Techbox is the enthusiasm for the technology. In order to fulfill that purpose the electronic is highlighted with a clear design and presented with transparent casings. The difference to other projects is, that we intended to score primarily with the presentation of technology in itself, instead of complexity and high technical level. Thus, the major purpose is fulfilled, to guide young students in the direction of an technical education.