Every time our project coordinator Mr Bacher pursues his passion, he has to focus his Telescope before he is able to look up in the sky. To do this there is a special mask needed, the "Bahtinovmask". This mask is placed in front of the telescope to ensure that your focus is correct, but to take pictures you have to remove it again. This is really arduous, because you have to go from one place to another every time you want to take a new picture. We took care of this problem in our graduation project. Astrobox is an "open source" project that consists of different tools that help to make astro photography easier. A folding mechanism is used to make the Bathinovmask control able with the help of a pc. On the top of the Telescope a series of sensors is mounted which measure the temperature and the humidity. The computer then shows the measured values and the dew point which is calculated out of these two values. It is possible to control the temperature near the Bahtinovmask by heating it. |